Tom Caremans

Tom Caremans

Tom Caremans is a chemical engineer (KULeuven), has a MSc degree in chemical engineering (TU/Eindhoven) and holds a PhD in Bioscience Engineering (KULeuven).

During his PhD, Tom used experimental light scattering techniques as well as theoretical molecular simulations to understand the synthesis process of zeolites. He successfully collaborated with scientists from a.o. CeNoLi (ULB) and the FORTH institute (Greece). Tom conducted one year of research at the Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville, Spain.

After his PhD, Tom joined imec spin-off Photovoltech, a solar cell manufacturer, where he worked as in-house specialist in wet chemical processes. As such, Tom was part of a team that developed next-generation high-efficiency solar cells.

In 2013, he entered the field of intellectual property. Tom joined IPLodge in 2016.


Tom Caremans is a patent attorney-trainee.


Tom’s professional working languages include Dutch, English and French.
